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upcoming events


update your thinking. learn. get inspired.


Our Festival of Place events break down silos and bring together professionals working in urban places and mixed-use property to tackle the major issues facing UK towns and cities in an environment where it is safe to ask questions.

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Gain frank insight from experts, including authors, scientists, cultural leaders, developers, investors, scientists, designers, community workers and city leaders.


We cater for the whole placemaking team, from developer to designer, investor to local government. 


Participate and meet new collaborators seeking to address the biggest challenges facing makers of place, through online masterclasses and workshops, where you will roll your sleeves up around the table

how we bring you together 


festival of place

Our annual in-person event takes place in July - tickets are on sale now for 2024 on 4th July at Boxpark Wembley in London. This event brings our whole community together to learn, connect and share best practice in designing and developing places. 

booking now


Festival of Place 2023 at Boxpark Wembley
Festival of Place 2023 at Boxpark Wembley



digital events

Our two annual digital events, Social Impact and Climate Resilience, focus on learning, featuring fresh thinking and challenging conversations from diverse expert voices to inspire and connect our creative community of placemakers. With 100-150 attendees in every session and more than 75% of attendees attending for two or more hours, at our most recent event, 25% of ticketholders watched every session. The digital events are especially popular with organisation members, who can offer unlimited seats to their employees.

see upcoming events




Membership is designed for individuals or organisations that want to invest in learning, gain fresh thinking and join a wider community of purpose-driven professionals striving to make a positive impact on places. With membership, you gain unlimited access to all online Festival of Place events, plus tickets to the in-person Festival in London, our library of past talks, a subscription to The Developer magazine, plus exclusive opportunities to engage with our audience.


join as a member

why you should join our community


inspiring content

Our speakers attract developers, policymakers and designers from the public and private sector who want to learn. We invite academics and experts, as well as industry leaders, to share their insights and answer questions you’re already asking or need to consider. It’s our content that brings together likeminded professionals who care about doing property differently to benefit people and planet. this isn’t a catch-all event for the whole property industry, it’s for a growing community of professionals in real estate and design looking for collaborators so we can change the way we do placemaking.



amazing facilitators

We make it easier to network and build professional relationships by creating an environment where it’s safe to ask questions, encouraging serendipity in the spaces between the sessions, and unique experiences such as workshops and walking tours where you’re encouraged to chat and work together. To do this, we use expert chairs and convenors who will facilitate deeper thought and bring people together. We believe great hosts are essential to meaningful gatherings


Festival of Place 2022 included workshops, axe-throwing and inspiring talks
Festival of Place 2022 included workshops, axe-throwing and inspiring talks

festival atmosphere

It’s not just a name, we call it a festival because it has multiple stages and overlapping streams of content so that you can move in and out of sessions and shape your own day. That means you will meet more people and take a more active role in making this experience work for you. It also means less of a crush for coffee and a more relaxed atmosphere, which we have on tap all day.



the spaces between the sessions

When we conceived of the festival, we talked a lot about how the most memorable and best part of a conference  is having a great conversation over coffee or lunch between sessions, so we’ve designed the whole experience to make this happen. The speakers and fringe events should give you plenty to talk about. The space will bring you together. The rest is up to you.


“Genuinely vibrant, exciting and thought-provoking”

Nigel Brewer, planning and design director, Places for People

Darren Comber, Chief Executive, Scott Brownrigg

“Exciting, with all kinds of things happening and really interactive”
Natascha McIntyre Hall, Assistant Director, Strategic Developments, Portsmouth City Council


Festival of Place 2019
Shortlisted for Event of the Year 2019, IBP Media Awards


Supported by 





  • Social impact, 26-27 Feb
  • Festival of Pineapples, 15-19 April
  • Awards Party, May
  • Festival of Place, 4 July


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